Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Is it Christmas?

This is what my son ask while I was fixing these. JETS!! See, I only (usually) make these once a year. Well, it was my sister in law's birthday and she loves them, so I made some for her birthday. Of course I made a double batch so my family could enjoy a little Christmas in September.


1 & 1/2 boxes powdered sugar
6 oz peanut butter
2 tsp. vanilla
2 sticks margarine
12 oz chocolate chips
1/2 block parafin wax

Mix margarine and sugar until creamy. Add vanilla and peanut butter and continue mixing until dough is formed. Roll in small balls, and dip with toothpick in the melted chocolate chip and wax mixture; place on wax paper until cooled.


  1. This brings back sweet memories of my dear MIL, a Christmas time favorite, looks so yummy!

    Linda E.

  2. Yum! Looks like something you get in those old fashioned candy kitchens in Tennessee. I may have to give these a try!
